Agenti patogeni, <em>etnostrabismo</em> e <em>memorial divide</em> Una lettura antropologica dell’emersione del virus SARS- CoV-2 e della pandemia CoVid-19


  • Enzo Alliegro Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II

Parole chiave:

Pandemia. Covid-19. Rischio epidemiologico. Vulnerabilità. Antropologia della crisi ambientale


As is known, Covid-19 has mobilized many scholars in the world who have framed the pandemic from the perspective of virology and epidemiology. In this work, drawing on various documentary sources, an anthropological analysis is proposed, which focuses exclusively on the beginning of the pandemic, in the months of January and February 2020. This choice makes it possible to grasp the social and political aspects that influenced the emergence of the problem, which must be placed in the political devices that have been used to unveil the anomaly and in the cultural models that make it possible to control order.

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Come citare

Alliegro, E. (2020). Agenti patogeni, <em>etnostrabismo</em> e <em>memorial divide</em> Una lettura antropologica dell’emersione del virus SARS- CoV-2 e della pandemia CoVid-19. EtnoAntropologia, 8(1), 11–46. Recuperato da