EtnoAntropologia 2024-01-31T13:03:42+00:00 Alberto Baldi Open Journal Systems <p>Rivista semestrale della <a href="" target="_blank">SIAC</a> (Società Italiana di Antropologia Culturale) <br />rivista di fascia A, settore 11/A5 - ISSN 2284-0176</p> Editoriale n. 2 - 2023 2024-01-31T10:44:06+00:00 Alberto Baldi Eugenio Zito 2023-12-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Eugenio Zito, Alberto Baldi I rifugiati e le “soluzioni durevoli”: un’analisi critica a partire dal caso ugandese Refugees and the “durable solutions”: critical insights starting from the Ugandan case 2024-01-31T11:17:43+00:00 Alessandro Gusman <p>The UNHCR officially provides three “durable solutions” to the condition of refugee: voluntary repatriation, local integration, and resettlement. However, in many cases these solutions remain only on paper, not being feasible in reality for most refugees. Taking as its starting point a critical analysis of refugee management in the countries of the Great Lakes Region in Africa, with a particular focus on the case of Congolese refugees in Uganda, this article seeks to investigate how these solutions are conceived and negotiated by refugees themselves in their experience. Viewed from this context, the three durable solutions show their contradictory nature: repatriation is made impossible by the continuing conflicts in Congo DRC; local integration is hampered by the lack of access to citizenship, while resettlement is reserved to a very limited number of people. Given these conditions, many refugees find themselves in a situation of protracted limbo.</p> 2023-12-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Alessandro Gusman Avatar Identità e Sé nella realtà virtuale Avatar Identity and Self in virtual reality 2024-01-31T11:38:16+00:00 Francesco Marano <p>The article, through an ethnographic investigation in the well-known virtual reality called Second Life, attempts to analyze what an avatar is and what its functions are in the virtual world. To this end, the author has observed the role of the avatar in the expression of different, virtual but real identities, the different modes of participation in virtual reality, and the consequences of a multiple identity on a Self that can be said to be dialogical in that it is always contextually different depending on its relationship with the environment and with the other avatars with whom it interacts.</p> 2023-12-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Francesco marano “Non tutti hanno una cripta” Mummie, turismo e patrimonializzazione in Sicilia “Not everyone has a crypt” Mummies, tourism, and heritage-making in Sicily 2024-01-31T11:54:35+00:00 Rebecca Sabatini <p>The Capuchins’ Catacombs of Palermo are not the main tourist attraction of the city, however they receive a high number of visitors representing the niche travel market named “dark tourism”. Even though studies have proven that it is not possible to identify a specific traveller known as “dark tourist”, explicitly interested in locations wholly or partly connected to death or sufferings, they highlighted the existence of a building interest to visit sites relating to death and burial grounds, such as crypts and cemeteries. The Capuchins of Palermo were specialists in the Modern Era mummification techniques, but they were not the only ones. In fact, in Sicily today, you can find a great number of similar sites (e.g. Gangi, Savoca) that are involved in important heritage conservation and heritagization processes aiming to attract and generate economic and tourism growth.</p> 2023-12-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Rebecca Sabatini Frutta fresca, corpi spezzati Braccianti migranti negli Stati Uniti d’America 2024-01-31T12:52:00+00:00 Thea Rossi 2023-12-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Thea Rossi Di corpi, organi e doni Attualità di un campo “inattuale” 2024-01-31T13:03:42+00:00 Eugenio Zito 2023-12-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Eugenio Zito Vistose e vincenti migrazioni Da una ricerca a un volume, a un documentario, a un museo Impressive and successful migrations From a research to a book, through a documentary up to a museum 2024-01-31T12:09:41+00:00 Alberto Baldi <p>Through a study of cases that we consider emblematic, cases found in Basilicata, the project we report on here concerns certain forms of representation of the migratory project where the photographic, and then above all cinematographic, image was deliberately chosen as the main instrument to give visibility to the results of working and professional experiences gained on American soil by certain enterprising Lucanians who decided to abandon their native land for an economic and social redemption to be attempted, overseas, in New York and Chicago. The project has generated a book, five documentaries and a museum currently being set up in Castelmezzano.</p> 2023-12-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Alberto Baldi NORISC-19 Materiali di ricerca antropologica da un’indagine mixed methods sul Terzo Settore in Campania NORISC-19 Anthropological research materials from a mixed methods survey on the Third Sector in Campania 2024-01-31T12:39:48+00:00 Eugenio Zito Giuseppe Sotira Mariavittoria Cicellin Gabriella Punziano <p>After an introduction to FRA Project NORISC-19 on Third Sector in Campania, the authors illustrate some aspects of the anthropological methodology used in a part of it, then focusing on the analysis of the materials from 21 interviews with representatives of associations in the 5 provincies of Naples, Caserta, Salerno, Avellino and Benevento. The themes analyzed in an anthropological perspective, showing old problems and new opportunities, concern collaborative networks with institutions and other associations and the impact of exogenous events such as the Third Sector Reform and the Covid-19 pandemic. The discussed results also allow reflecting on the potential of an anthropological approach to the study of these contemporary issues within an original mixed methods perspective, which, in NORISC-19, combines and integrates multiple disciplinary fields.</p> 2023-12-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Giuseppe Sotira, Eugenio Zito, Mariavittoria Cicellin, Gabriella Punziano