L’ emigrato dasaese: turista di ritorno


  • Maria Teresa Mara Francese Università di Torino



Parole chiave:

Popular religiousness, Economic wealth, Social and political power, Repurchase, Tourist


Emigrants in the 30s of the 900 moving from Calabria overseas are made up of individuals who belong to the "culture of poverty", characterized by the absence of choices and alternatives in the total exclusion of economic and political power.

The only possible alternative, or experienced as such, is to rely on divine protection, graced by the repetition of an annual celebration, where the dollars sent home show social status changed emigrants (often absent), which not only feed the ritual, but keep alive a centuries-old tradition.

One of the many scenarios in which it engages this dynamism is the ritual of Easter Tuesday that takes place in Dasà, small  agricultural town of Calabria, where Dasà’s  emigrant solidarity through the aggregation of the Brotherhood of belonging to 'rise to new cultural productions, in different social relations and thus the formation of an identity "other", determined by economic wealth reached.

There are various moments of the rite in which the emigrant signals its presence emphasizing a social power and economic decision-making different from the past, in which the use of property and choices allows him to make known such a state would grow to become tourist to return .

Biografia autore

Maria Teresa Mara Francese, Università di Torino

Università di Torino, Dipartimento di Lingue e Letterature Straniere e Culture Moderne, Via Verdi 10, 10124, Torino, Italy

Riferimenti bibliografici

Ferlaino F. 1999, Le confraternite di Amantea. Appunti per lo studio dei processi aggregativi e dei riti di fondazione ,in Le Confraternite religiose in Calabria e nel Mezzogiorno. Vibo Valentia: Mapograf,(2): 11-38.

Francese M.T.M. 2003, Fede e pietà popolare nell’Affruntata in Calabria, L’ncrinata di Dasà, Cosenza: Progetto 2000.

Lewis O. (ed.) 1967, La cultura della povertà, «Centro Sociale», (XIV):74-75.

Rossi A. (ed.) 1976, Le feste dei poveri, Cultura popolare e Marxismo, Roma: Editori Riuniti: 176-185.

Teti V.(ed.) 1992, Note per un’antropologia delle confraternite calabresi in età moderna e contemporanea, Le Confraternite religiose in Calabria e nel Mezzogiorno, Vibo Valentia: Mapograf, (1):43-98.

Tripodi A. 1986, La confraternita dell’ Immacolata a Dasà, Aquaro: Talamo.




Come citare

Francese, M. T. M. (2014). L’ emigrato dasaese: turista di ritorno. EtnoAntropologia, 2(1), 207–214. https://doi.org/10.1473/109


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