Il clima delle frontiere: per un’etnografia ambientale dei corpi


  • Lorenzo Alunni Dipartimento di Scienze Umane per la Formazione “Riccardo Massa”, Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca
  • Chiara Moretti Dipartimento di Scienze Umane per la Formazione “Riccardo Massa”, Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca

Parole chiave:

Medical Anthropology, environment, migration, borders, body


Contemporary environmental crises, the migration dynamics related to them, current forms of border management, and all the resulting body phenomena are areas that need a gaze capable of grasping their intersections and interactions. In recent years, anthropology has extensively inquired into these issues. What we need today is the development of an ethnographic practice capable of capturing the interactions between these domains. In this direction, we outline the contours of an environmental ethnography of the body at the borders. It is a perspective that, moving from a focus on the reconceptualizations offered by recent studies on these issues, is based on the idea that analyzing the environmental crisis and its bodily dimensions from the perspective of borders emerges as an effective revealer of issues that go far beyond what is at stake in the border areas themselves. This article describes this approach through a dual perspective: on the one hand, a state of the art in anthropological and social science studies about these issues; and, on the other, a programmatic reflection for an ongoing research program.

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Come citare

Alunni, L., & Moretti, C. (2024). Il clima delle frontiere: per un’etnografia ambientale dei corpi. EtnoAntropologia, 12(1), 101–115. Recuperato da