Il Festival, la città e il “senso del luogo”. Considerazioni intorno al Festival di Sanremo


  • Gianfranca Ranisio Dipartimento di Scienze Sociali, Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II

Parole chiave:

Mass-media, spettacle, Italian society, space, place, city


The Sanremo Festival is a mass-media event that involves a plurality of socio-economic, cultural and territorial factors/plans, requiring a multidisciplinary analysis perspective. This event has shown its vitality through various stages, turned seventy years in 2020, and has been subject to significant transformations.

In this article I focus on the way in which the events of the Festival have intertwined with representations not only of the nation, but also of the city of Sanremo, through the use and reuse of urban spaces. I also highlight how a “sense of place” has been created around this event, becoming over the time a constitutive part of it.

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Sitografia (cons. 18/10/2020) (cons. 10/10/2020)




Come citare

Ranisio, G. (2021). Il Festival, la città e il “senso del luogo”. Considerazioni intorno al Festival di Sanremo. EtnoAntropologia, 8(2), 133–148. Recuperato da