Al di qua e al di là del muro: movimenti sociali in Israele e Palestina


  • Sabina Leoncini


Parole chiave:

protest, social justice movements, border, equality, capitalism


In 2007, I conducted research in the area of Bethlehem(OPT) to understand the changes caused by the construction of the security barrier on the daily life of this community. Living in a Palestinian Christian family I could share this ordinary life everyday and I was trying in my work to participate in non violent protests on Friday morning, organized by Palestinian and Israeli activists against the construction of the barrier. Palestinian and Israeli associations participate every Friday for almost ten years to the protests. Moving to the other side of the wall, in the summer of 2011  the protest inflamed, following the heels of the Occupy movement, against the rising of the price of the "cottage cheese" and especially of housing, particularly in the economic capital ofIsrael, Tel Aviv, where property’s prices have reached staggering proportions. Right here the movement has attracted the interest of scholars, especially for the ferocity with which "the movement of the tent" (or July 14) has been repressed. Apparently these two movements have nothing in common. It does not seem to agree Zvi Shuldiner, expert of Israeli policy, reflecting on how the common basis of these movements is the conflict, in all its paradoxical implications, from one side to the other of the wall. From ground clashes it evolves into the ground of meetings, where Israelis and Palestinians seek solutions from below through the movements themselves.

Riferimenti bibliografici

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Come citare

Leoncini, S. (2016). Al di qua e al di là del muro: movimenti sociali in Israele e Palestina. EtnoAntropologia, 3(2), 133–152.